About us – Why deal with whiskey editions

The success of our company and the well-being of the communities we serve necessitate a strong dedication to corporate social responsibility, particularly when it comes to alcohol. As suppliers of alcoholic beverages, we possess a deep understanding of the negative consequences that can arise if alcohol is not sold and consumed responsibly. Our team undergoes comprehensive training on the specific alcohol licensing regulations applicable to each store’s jurisdiction, and every store has a qualified license holder. We strictly adhere to all alcohol licensing laws and take great care to ensure that we do not sell directly or indirectly to individuals who are below the legal drinking age.

Our Goals – What makes us Special

Our primary goal is to establish enduring partnerships with our customers and stakeholders by comprehending their evolving objectives and fulfilling their requirements. We strive to provide equitable value, unwavering quality, and dependability. Upholding the utmost professional and ethical standards is our aim, and we pledge to maintain honesty, openness, and transparency in all our interactions with customers. We strive to select suppliers who align with our values regarding the distribution of alcohol, employment standards, product quality, and environmental regulations.

The Macallan

The Macallan is one of the world’s most renowned and respected Scotch whisky brands, with a history that dates back to 1824. With a deep commitment to tradition, craftsmanship and quality, The Macallan has been at the forefront of Scotch whisky production for centuries. This article will explore the history behind this remarkable brand, from its early beginnings to today.

Japanese Whisky

Japanese whisky has a rich history that spans over a century and is considered to be amongst the finest whiskies in the world. The production of Japanese whisky began in the late 1800s when a Scottish brewer named Masataka Taketsuru travelled to Scotland to learn the art of whisky-making. Upon his return to Japan, Taketsuru established the Yamazaki Distillery, which is now one of the oldest and most respected whisky distilleries in Japan. In this blog, we will explore the history of Japanese whisky and how it has evolved into the world-class spirit that it is today.